"No suitable client certificate could be found - continuing without client authentication"
* are you specifying the password for the keystore?
* are you providing a full certificate chain ? ( chain [0] , chain [1], chain [2] until the Root CA)
* server specified issuers different from the one of the client certificate?
* server specified ciphers not matching the one of the certificate?
* whole certificate chain not in keystore (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9299133/why-doesnt-java-send-the-client-certificate-during-ssl-handshake )
Here the code https://github.com/frohoff/jdk8u-jdk/blob/master/src/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/ClientHandshaker.java , as you see it's totally pathetic and at the same message correspond completely different scenarios.
* are you specifying the password for the keystore?
* are you providing a full certificate chain ? ( chain [0] , chain [1], chain [2] until the Root CA)
* server specified issuers different from the one of the client certificate?
* server specified ciphers not matching the one of the certificate?
* whole certificate chain not in keystore (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9299133/why-doesnt-java-send-the-client-certificate-during-ssl-handshake )
Here the code https://github.com/frohoff/jdk8u-jdk/blob/master/src/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/ClientHandshaker.java , as you see it's totally pathetic and at the same message correspond completely different scenarios.