A small "rerun tutorial" or "getting started with rerun".
Rerun wiki: https://github.com/rerun/rerun/wiki
Download the rpm here
#remember to do export http_proxy=http://myuser:mypw@proxy.acme.com:8080
wget http://repository-stagrlee.forge.cloudbees.com/release/rpms/rerun/rerun-1.0.2-1.fc17.noarch.rpm
rpm -i rerun-1.0.2-1.fc17.noarch.rpm
rerun Available modules in "/usr/lib/rerun/modules":
stubbs: "Simple rerun module builder" - 1.0.2
then I download https://github.com/downloads/rerun-modules/rerun-modules/rerun-modules-repo-1.0-21.noarch.rpm, copy it locally (wget doesn't work with https on github, no clue...)
and I do:
rpm -i rerun-modules-repo-1.0-21.noarch.rpm
this one didn't work for me (connectivity problems) but it's not essential:
yum -y --disablerepo '*' --enablerepo 'rerun-modules' install '*'
I create my first module
rerun stubbs: add-module
Module name:
Module description:
my first rerun
Created module structure: /usr/lib/rerun/modules/pippo.
If you look in /usr/lib/rerun/modules/pippo, there is a lib folder - containing an empty functions.sh - and a command folder.
rerun stubbs:add-command
rerun stubbs:add-option
vi /usr/lib/rerun/modules/pippo/commands/hello/script
and after this text:
I enter this: echo name is $NAME
I run it:
rerun pippo:hello --name Luigi
name is Luigi
and rerun it:
rerun pippo:hello
name is Pierre
Ok at least we have proven that it can can be made to work...
Rerun wiki: https://github.com/rerun/rerun/wiki
Download the rpm here
#remember to do export http_proxy=http://myuser:mypw@proxy.acme.com:8080
wget http://repository-stagrlee.forge.cloudbees.com/release/rpms/rerun/rerun-1.0.2-1.fc17.noarch.rpm
rpm -i rerun-1.0.2-1.fc17.noarch.rpm
rerun Available modules in "/usr/lib/rerun/modules":
stubbs: "Simple rerun module builder" - 1.0.2
then I download https://github.com/downloads/rerun-modules/rerun-modules/rerun-modules-repo-1.0-21.noarch.rpm, copy it locally (wget doesn't work with https on github, no clue...)
and I do:
rpm -i rerun-modules-repo-1.0-21.noarch.rpm
this one didn't work for me (connectivity problems) but it's not essential:
yum -y --disablerepo '*' --enablerepo 'rerun-modules' install '*'
I create my first module
rerun stubbs: add-module
Module name:
Module description:
my first rerun
Created module structure: /usr/lib/rerun/modules/pippo.
If you look in /usr/lib/rerun/modules/pippo, there is a lib folder - containing an empty functions.sh - and a command folder.
rerun stubbs:add-command
Module:then I add an option to the command:
1) pippo
2) stubbs
#? 1
You picked module pippo (1)
say hello
Wrote command script: /usr/lib/rerun/modules/pippo/commands/hello/script
Wrote test script: /usr/lib/rerun/modules/pippo/tests/hello-1-test.sh
rerun stubbs:add-option
1) pippo
2) stubbs
#? 1
You picked module pippo (1)
1) hello
#? 1
You picked command hello (1)
the person to greet
1) true
2) false
#? 1
1) true
2) false
#? 1
Wrote option metadata: /usr/lib/rerun/modules/pippo/options/name/metadata
Updated command metadata: /usr/lib/rerun/modules/pippo/commands/hello/metadata
Updated command script header: /usr/lib/rerun/modules/pippo/commands/hello/script
vi /usr/lib/rerun/modules/pippo/commands/hello/script
and after this text:
# - - -
# Put the command implementation here.
# - - -
I enter this: echo name is $NAME
I run it:
rerun pippo:hello --name Luigi
name is Luigi
and rerun it:
rerun pippo:hello
name is Pierre
Ok at least we have proven that it can can be made to work...