If you have 2 working domains and want to find out in which way they differ, you have several options:
- use Enterprise manager, which has a Compare domains tool
- tar up the DOMAIN_HOME/bin folder and the DOMAIN_HOME/config folder and use Beyond Compare
- do a domainToScript() with WLST and do a diff
- find all .sh and .xml and .properties files under /opt/oracle/fmw, tar up and diff with beyond compare
- see http://www.javamonamour.org/2013/02/remote-compare-directories-diff-for.html for rsync (I suggest to tar and copy both domains to another machine)
- do a jinfo PID on each instance of server, and do a diff
- find /opt/oracle/fmw11_1_1_5/ -name *.jar | sort | xargs md5sum > allmd5.txt
- use Enterprise manager, which has a Compare domains tool
- tar up the DOMAIN_HOME/bin folder and the DOMAIN_HOME/config folder and use Beyond Compare
- do a domainToScript() with WLST and do a diff
- find all .sh and .xml and .properties files under /opt/oracle/fmw, tar up and diff with beyond compare
- see http://www.javamonamour.org/2013/02/remote-compare-directories-diff-for.html for rsync (I suggest to tar and copy both domains to another machine)
- do a jinfo PID on each instance of server, and do a diff
- find /opt/oracle/fmw11_1_1_5/ -name *.jar | sort | xargs md5sum > allmd5.txt