Sometimes it's useful to generate in SQL a series of data responding to a certain criteria.
Like "the integers between 0 and N", or "the dates between today and 5 days ago"
You can do it with "connect by level":
SELECT level from DUAL connect by level <= 10 ;
SELECT TRUNC((sysdate-5 + (LEVEL))) AS DATES FROM DUAL connect by level <= ( sysdate-(sysdate-5) ) order by level;
Like "the integers between 0 and N", or "the dates between today and 5 days ago"
You can do it with "connect by level":
SELECT level from DUAL connect by level <= 10 ;
SELECT TRUNC((sysdate-5 + (LEVEL))) AS DATES FROM DUAL connect by level <= ( sysdate-(sysdate-5) ) order by level;