It looks like you are trying to do maths (+, -) with TIMESTAMP.
If you try to sum or subtract two timestamps, you will get:
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND
TIMESTAMP doesn't like that. you should CAST the TIMESTAMP to DATE:
rather than
bla - blu (where bla and blu are TIMESTAMP)
CAST (bla as DATE) - CAST (blu as DATE)
and you will get a NUMBER (multiply it by 3600 * 24 and you will turn it into seconds)
you will lose the millisecond info
Here you have the definition of the TIMESTAMP
If you try to sum or subtract two timestamps, you will get:
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND
TIMESTAMP doesn't like that. you should CAST the TIMESTAMP to DATE:
rather than
bla - blu (where bla and blu are TIMESTAMP)
CAST (bla as DATE) - CAST (blu as DATE)
and you will get a NUMBER (multiply it by 3600 * 24 and you will turn it into seconds)
you will lose the millisecond info
Here you have the definition of the TIMESTAMP