Excellent "graphviz getting started" guide: http://dborody.wordpress.com/2013/02/23/graph-visualization-with-graphviz-examples-tutorial/
Official graphviz site: http://www.graphviz.org/
Details on Service Discovery in OSB
Here a sample graph, showing some PS, BS and JMS queues (unfortunately native shapes don't match normal EAI symbols, one should use HTML shapes)
It's really easy to generate the graph from code
Official graphviz site: http://www.graphviz.org/
Details on Service Discovery in OSB
Here a sample graph, showing some PS, BS and JMS queues (unfortunately native shapes don't match normal EAI symbols, one should use HTML shapes)
digraph {
rankdir = LR;
ps01 [label = "ps1", fillcolor = red, style = filled, shape = box];
bs01 [label = "bs1", shape = rarrow];
ps02 [label = "ps02", fillcolor = red, style = filled, shape = box];
bs02 [label = "bs02", shape = rarrow];
q01 [label = "q01", shape = doublecircle];
rq01 [label = "rq01", shape = doublecircle];
ps01 -> bs01 [label = "invokes"];
ps02 -> bs02 [label = "invokes"];
bs01 -> q01 [label = "posts"];
bs02 -> q01 [label = "posts"];
q01 -> rq01 [label = "onerror"];
ps03 [label = "ps03", fillcolor = red, style = filled, shape = box];
q01 -> ps03 [label = "consume"];
It's really easy to generate the graph from code