docker run -d --volume /var/lib/cassandra/data --name cass-shared alpine echo Data Container
docker run -d --volumes-from cass-shared --name cass1 cassandra:2.2
docker run -it --rm --link cass1:cass cassandra:2.2 cqlsh cass
select * from system.schema_keyspaces where keyspace_name = 'docker_hello_world';
create keyspace docker_hello_world with replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 };
select * from system.schema_keyspaces where keyspace_name = 'docker_hello_world';
docker stop cass1
docker rm -vf cass1
docker run -d --volumes-from cass-shared --name cass2 cassandra:2.2
docker run -it --rm --link cass2:cass cassandra:2.2 cqlsh cass
select * from system.schema_keyspaces where keyspace_name = 'docker_hello_world';
docker rm -vf cass2 cass-shared
#bind-mount volumes point to a space on the host
mkdir example-docs
echo "ciao"> example-docs/index.html
docker run -d --name bmweb -v ~/example-docs:/usr/local/app 80:80 httpd:latest
#enter localhost:80 in your browser, you should see "ciao"
#create a file on the guest system
docker run --rm -v ~/example-docs:/testspace alpine /bin/sh -c 'echo test > /testspace/test'
#this will fail - read only
docker run --rm -v ~/example-docs:/testspace:ro alpine /bin/sh -c 'echo test2 > /testspace/test'
#check how the volume is mounted
docker run --rm -v ~/example-docs/absent:/absent alpine:latest /bin/sh -c 'mount | grep absent'
more Docker in Action