I have been through some youtube tutorials on Helm but I found them too blablaistic. I like essential, crisp and down to earth presentations, not all-encompassing philosophical sermons.
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/helm/master/scripts/get | bash
helm init
helm repo update
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
helm version
in Chart.yaml there is basically nothing (version and chartname)
in equirements.yaml there are dependencies
in templates/configmap.yaml the ConfigMap
in templates/service.yaml the Service Definition (with port/nodePort)
in templates/pv.yaml the PersistenVolume
helm dependency update lets-chat
helm inspect lets-chat
helm install lets-chat --name demo -f my_values.yml --debug --dry-run
helm install lets-chat --name demo --namespace demo -f my_values.yml
helm list
helm status demo
kubectl get pods -n demo
sed -i 's/0.4.7/0.4.6/g' lets-chat/Chart.yaml
helm upgrade demo lets-chat --set replicas=2
helm history demo
helm rollback demo 1
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/helm/master/scripts/get | bash
helm init
helm repo update
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
helm version
in Chart.yaml there is basically nothing (version and chartname)
in equirements.yaml there are dependencies
in templates/configmap.yaml the ConfigMap
in templates/service.yaml the Service Definition (with port/nodePort)
in templates/pv.yaml the PersistenVolume
helm dependency update lets-chat
helm inspect lets-chat
helm install lets-chat --name demo -f my_values.yml --debug --dry-run
helm install lets-chat --name demo --namespace demo -f my_values.yml
helm list
helm status demo
kubectl get pods -n demo
sed -i 's/0.4.7/0.4.6/g' lets-chat/Chart.yaml
helm upgrade demo lets-chat --set replicas=2
helm history demo
helm rollback demo 1